March Chair Letter : Volunteers are the lifeblood of any community
Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton
I’ve always thought Volunteers are the lifeblood of any community and some of my very best experiences and achievements in my professional life have been where volunteers have been involved.
There are as many reasons for being a volunteer as there are volunteers. Some want to change the status quo because their experience and outlook on life is different to that of others, (it frequently is when you are on the receiving end of a service rather than designing it) and others just want to make things happen.
For some volunteering is a vehicle to gain experience or to raise their profile and get positive feedback. For others it’s to quietly get on with something because they feel it is important or they get an inner glow from making other peoples lives easier or happier. Bubwith and Breighton is blessed with a full range, some you’ll know and others will be invisible but all of them, formal and informal, bringing a contribution that makes our community a better place to live.
My focus this month is on just some of the volunteering and events that are currently going on in our community. It isn’t a comprehensive list as there are many more that I don’t have time to cover today.
Firstly, Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre Charity Committee. The AGM saw some changes with Barry Carpus stepping down as secretary, a big thank you to him for his hard work over the years. Shaun Thompson has stepped up as the new Chair and Adrienne Richards a new committee member as Secretary. Alison Craven has also joined the committee and is one of the organisers of the reinstated Bingo nights.
Other volunteer opportunities exist within the charity as Treasurer and more general volunteers are always welcome.
The Table Top sale went reasonably well thanks to the many people who ran a table or attended. We listened and learned from the feedback we got and are planning another Table Top and Plant Sale for the morning of Monday the 8th May (Coronation Public Holiday). This is a shout out to all would be stall holders and gardeners if you are interested please get in touch with me or 07748965779.
An Easter Sunday Egg Run has been arranged at the Leisure Centre from 2 to 4pm on Sunday 9th April. This fundraiser is for a new playground and promises to be great family fun. The children’s egg and spoon run will be on the new track and a raffle, cakes, tea and coffee will be for sale. Organisers of this event are a volunteer group of parents and grandparents keen to expand facilities for small and young people. Our primary goal is a new playground and temporary refresh of the old one. We are keen to explore how the centre can expand its offer, such as being open for play days in school holidays or running a playgroup. We welcome new members, as we need ideas and views as well as volunteers.
After the success of the Fashion Show in October a second one has been organized for 7pm on 21st April to raise funds for the Bubwith Leisure Centre. Tickets available from Steve Johnston Tel: 07551338080. Thanks to Steve and the band of volunteers who work hard to organize this enjoyable social event.
My last volunteer group mention is the Parish Council itself, although people don’t always think of the Parish Councillors as volunteers.
The term of office for our current Parish Councillors is almost at an end with elections/re-elections taking place on the 4th May. Sadly, one of our current PCs is unable to stand again; our thanks go to Paula Clark for the contribution she has made during her time with us she will be sorely missed.
In the lead up to elections the Parish Council are holding a Wine & Cheese Event in the Bubwith Leisure Centre Bar from 7pm on Monday 27th March. All are welcome to come along to meet Councillors, discuss issues of importance and maybe consider standing as a Councillor themselves. A similar event was held in 2022 where a large number of issues were raised and subsequently addressed by the PC.
I look forward to welcoming you but if you can’t make it and you have an issue please let me know.
The event is being sponsored by personal contribution of the PCs.
Finally, can I remind you of the Spaldington Wind Farm Community Fund this year the fund will open from the 13th March to 19th May; decisions will be made on the 14th June.
I would encourage groups to apply for either a small grant up to £500 or larger. All details on the East Riding website above.
Take care to stay dry.
Best wishes.
Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council