January Chair Letter: A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers and Local Heroes!

A Happy Christmas and New Year to all Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

At this time of the year it is tradition for the Parish Council Chair to reflect a little on the year that’s passed, celebrate the many qualities of our community and say thank you for the hard work and effort of people that make this a brilliant place to live.

I’ll begin by celebrating the fundraisers within the village, it has been a very good year for our Parish.

Whether it was applying for grants for the new patio, patio furniture and new grasscutter at the Leisure Centre, being children and parents involved in the Lifestyle Project raising money for a new playground and helping repair the old one. Friends of Bubwith School for running enjoyable events like the Beer Festival and Christmas Fayre to raise money for the school and art projects and producing brilliant Art Murals at the School and Playing Field. The hardworking team at All Saints Church for the Strawberries and Cream summer event, collaboration on the MacMillan coffee morning, their regular Wednesday morning Church Café and the most recent Christmas Fayre which I believe raised over £633 (nearly double last year’s). Not forgetting the Trustees of the Leisure and Sports Centre Charity who are constantly working to raise funds
for the Centre to keep it running and provide social and sporting opportunities for our community including the Gin Festival, Family Fun Fridays and regulars like the Bingo and Quiz Nights.

Bubwith leisure centre mural

I’d like to thank our volunteers who keep the Tuesday Club running, Manage and run our Speed Awareness Campaign, support the running of the Youth Club (just about the only one in the area), run the Monday Morning Bubwith Bunnies for toddlers and their parent/guardians, the newly formed running group and organisers of the Santa Fun Run, the secret army of people who assist and support individuals in the parish, the Christmas Magic volunteers who help Santa respond to letters, organise Christmas Carols at the Church, Richard and Shirley Moore for organising the annual Carols around the Christmas Tree and mulled wine and mince pies (the 17th year), and let me not forget the Bell Ringers (Campanologists) who have brought new joy to Friday evenings throughout the year.

I’d also like to thank our regular sponsors, The Real Aeroplane Club and The Real Aeroplane Company Limited have again sponsored our village Christmas Tree.

My sincere thanks to staff at Mounfield Butchers, The Jug and Bottle, Morrisons, The Oaks, The White Swan, Cinnamon and all small local businesses and services in our Parish who are working extremely hard at this time of year to ensure we and our pets all look beautiful, our homes are presentable and we have all the provisions we need to enjoy this festive period.

Before I go, please remember: All Saints Carol Service – 7pm Friday 20th December, followed by refreshments.

Carols around the Village Christmas Tree will be at 6pm on Sunday 22nd December followed by refreshments at Chain Bar House

BLSC December Quiz Night is on Christmas Eve at the Leisure Centre, it’s always a fun evening when all are welcome, I do hope to see you there.

Bubwith Panto is planned for the 8th February 2025 at the Leisure Centre. Tickets are on sale at the Jug & Bottle at £4 each. Two performances, the matinee 2pm and evening 7pm. The bar will be open and of course Ice cream will be on sale in the intervals.

Bubwith Panto Cinderella

Volunteers’ Event will be held from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday the 12th January 2025 at the Leisure Centre.

Finally; my grateful thanks to our Parish Councillors and Clerk for all the hard work they have done this year. It has been a pleasure to work with you.

I wish you all an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

PS. I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.

Email: Mob : 07748965779





December Chair Letter: All the Christmas events and a thank you!

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

A big oops and apologies, I got it badly wrong! Luckily, I can redeem myself. The Christmas Santa Fun Run takes place at the Leisure Centre track on Sunday the 15th December and not as previously stated on the 17th. The bar will be open from 12.30 and the first run at 1pm. There will also be hot dogs, hot chocolate and cakes on sale. Last year I saw some incredible fancy dress runners and I can’t wait to see who, or should that be what, will turn up this year!!!!

The Christmas Tree (kindly jointly sponsored by The Real Aeroplane Club and The Real Aeroplane Company Limited) will be going up on the Village Green at the end of November, as will Santa’s Post Box. The Bubwith Elves are working overtime refreshing the Snow Family and other decorations for the green and Parish Councillors (led by Malcolm Henson) have been polishing the lights.

Father Christmas has asked me to kindly remind all of our young residents and their adults to have a clear name and address on their letters if they wish a reply. Apparently, there was havoc in the North Pole postal office last year as some young letter writers were too excited to remember this vital information whilst compiling their wish list for Santa. He also mentioned that some of his elves can’t always see the handwriting easily so please do your very best writing if you can.

‘Carols around the Village Christmas Tree’ will be at 6pm on Sunday 22nd December. Richard and Shirley Moore are once again hosƟng the mince pies, mulled wine, soft drinks and sweets that follow in their barn at Chain Bar House. This event is open to all and is free to attend but people are invited to make a charitable contribution if they can. Music will be provided by Tom and family. I promise, all who attend get a warm feeling around their hearts, unless of course they go by the name of

Please note, BLSC December Quiz Night is moving to Christmas Eve at the Leisure Centre, it’s always a fun evening when all are welcome, I do hope to see you there.

The New Year Panto is planned for the 8th February 2025 at the Leisure Centre. Tickets are on sale at the Jug & BoƩle at £4 each. Two performances, the matinee 2pm and evening 7pm. The bar will be open and of course Ice cream will be on sale in the intervals.

Following on from the very enjoyable event in January a second Volunteers’ Event will be held from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday the 12th January at the Leisure Centre. Our community is blessed with many volunteers who give up their time to support others, organise village events, run groups and fundraise on behalf of our community. The Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre Committee is running this event to celebrate and thank the many volunteers within our community. Volunteers don’t always blow their own trumpet so if you know of anyone you believe we should invite or if you’d like to come along, please do drop me a line on my email below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





November Chair Letter: Silver birches, Youth Club, Church Cafe & more!

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I do hope you are all well and enjoying this changeable weather. For the avid gardeners amongst us there is plenty to do before the darker evenings and colder weather. For our younger parishioners, hang on in there, half term is fast approaching and you will be able to replenish your batteries soon,  and for those amongst us who suffer with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder/”winter depression”) our  thoughts and sympathies are with you as we enter the darker months. 

Two specific things are a cause for concern in the Parish this month, most notably silver birch trees  encroaching on homes in Honeypot (there is ongoing discussion with ERYC), and the new very obtrusive Quickline box that has been placed on Church Close green. One can’t have failed to notice the  work being done by Quickline, it is everywhere in the area, and we are all looking forward to the potential for cheaper faster broadband supply but we would all like this to be delivered with more care ful consideration of the siting and aesthetics of these necessary pieces of kit. In both instances Steve Young as our Parish Clerk is on the case! 

One of our Youth Workers is moving on to pastures new and we are looking to recruit a replacement,  if interested please email Steve Young for details At this depressing time of the year, I think it sometimes helps to look forward to the joyful events that  get us through. Thanks to the hard work of many of our community members there is plenty in the  coming months. 

After the very successful MacMillan Coffee morning collaboration (it raised £845 thanks to the gener ous donations of local people) Bubwith Leisure and Sport Centre are entering into another collaboration with Bubwith All Saints Church. Joan Askew and her team have agreed to run the Wednesday morning Church Café at the Centre over the winter months. The café will run from the second week in January until March, offering a warm and friendly atmosphere for your weekly catch-up with  friends. 

In anticipation of the festive season there are a number of events to watch out for: Friends of Bubwith School (FOBS) highly anticipated Halloween Scavenger Hunt from the 28th to 31st October maps on sale at Morrisons 

FOBs Christmas Fayre – Sunday 17th November at the Leisure Centre (currently inviting stall holders)

Bingo Night – Friday 29th November at the Leisure Centre 

Bubwith All Saints Church Christmas Fayre – Saturday 30th November (currently inviting stall holders)

Tickets on sale from the 1st November for the Silent Disco (07/03/25) at the Jug and Bottle for a bargain early bird price of £12, they will be going up to £15 so get in early! 

Santa’s Fun Run will be back for it’s second year on Sunday 15th December, there is still time to embark on the Couch to 5K training and join Camilla Sergeant’s running group on Saturday mornings.

Ice Cream is coming to Bubwith Leisure Centre in the form of a Burgess Ice cream fridge and products.  Burgess ice creams are a long-standing local company based at Market Weighton and having been  part of the sampling team I can heartily recommend them. They will be a great addition to the offer  from the centre.  

Finally – thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Leisure Centre Committee the field and grounds have never looked better. It is a joy to do a few circuits of the track or pop by and watch North Duffield Dragons play football. Thank you to the committee, our dedicated local grounds people and volunteers and the Spaldington Windfarm Fund, you’ve done a grand job! 

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





Exciting Plans for a New Village Playground!

We’re thrilled to share the schematic drawing of the proposed new playground on the playing field, designed with the heart of our community in mind. The project, led by The Little People—a dedicated group of parents and grandparents—was developed after consulting with local children and parents to ensure the playground reflects the needs and wishes of the village.

The design, which comes at a cost of £100,000, has been sent out to tender, and a contractor has been chosen. To help fund this project, Bubwith Parish Council, in collaboration with the Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre committee, has submitted a grant application. This is truly a village-wide effort, with everyone pitching in to make it happen.

We’re all keeping our fingers crossed for a positive outcome, and we hope to hear about the grant approval before Christmas. Stay tuned for updates, and thank you to everyone who has been involved so far!

Let’s make this dream playground a reality for our village children! 🌈

September Chair Letter: Family Fridays, John & Autumn Social Calendars

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I hope this finds you well and enjoying your summer sunshine and hopefully a bit of downtime in this holiday season. 

This month I must be brief lest the weeds in my garden see my back is turned and take over completely or another grandchild is deposited for a few days of intensive grandparenting! 

Good news includes the new patio furniture at the Leisure Centre grant funded by the Spaldington  Windfarm Community Fund. If you haven’t been down lately, please do go and have a look, better still take a picnic and have a break in the sunshine or try one of the Family Fridays. The colours will cheer you up no end. 

The final touches are being put on two grant applications. One for the play park and another to refurbish the bar lounge area of the Leisure Centre with comfier seating, tables, soft furnishings and TV and sound system. Fingers crossed we are successful as plans for the autumn/winter social calendar are very advanced and it would be lovely to have this work completed quickly. 

Coming up are: 

Fashion Show on Friday 6th September with doors open at 6.30 pm and the show commencing at  7 pm. If you have ever fancied yourself sashaying down a catwalk in Paris, now is your big chance! We are looking for models for this event if you are interested please contact Alison Craven on  07738609711 (text or call) or via Early bird tickets available for £5  from the Jug and Bottle until Friday 30th August and then £6 from Alison or on the night. The ticket includes a glass of Prosecco. It promises to be an enjoyable social event that shouldn’t break the bank! 

The hugely popular and successful Macmillan Coffee morning is to be repeated at 9 am onwards on  Friday 27th September. Demonstrating collaboration at its best this year, the event will be held at the  Leisure Centre as a joint venture between the All Saints Church and the centre’s Social team. All proceeds to Macmillan. If you would like to contribute a cake please bring them on the day. We look  forward to welcoming you. 

A Murder Mystery Evening is planned for Friday 18th October, more details to follow next month. 

Parish Council business this month has been focused on ensuring people have accurate information about the closures on Church Street whilst some much-needed road repairs and resurfacing are being done. Information has been circulated on social media but if anyone has concerns, please contact  Steve Young who has been liaising with ERYCC.  Tel: 01757 288234 

Finally, we wish John Watkinson our Breighton Parish Councillor a speedy recovery. John has been seriously ill recently but thankfully he is making a steady recovery; we look forward to his return. 

Now for me, it’s back to the garden where the grass and weeds have shot up by 6 inches (15.24cm)  since I began writing this piece. I wish you a sunny and relaxing BH weekend.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





August Chair Letter: Children And Young People In The Parish

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

This month I would like to focus your attention on children and young people in the parish, particularly as two separate events involving our young parishioners are converging. 

The first is that the Parish Council has received planning consent for a new playground on Bubwith Playing  Fields. I’ll shortly be displaying the plans for the playground on noticeboards in the village and at the leisure centre so you can see what’s in store. We are seeking grant funding but will need to raise over £130K  and welcome any local support, both money and letters of support are welcome. 

The second being that many of our young people are getting involved in voluntary work and fundraising this summer. A young person working towards the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award will be undertaking 3  months of voluntary litter picking in the patch and a number of children are also participating in the  ‘Lifestyle Project’. For those uninitiated, this annual programme is run by the Humberside Police Force. It is a youth engagement project where young people aged 10 – 18 register in teams to spend their summer holidays completing a project to benefit their community and competing for a prize.  

I am aware of two teams but there may be more.  

The ‘Bubwith Beasts’ are a group of four 10-year-olds who have teamed up to tidy up the current Leisure  Centre playground and raise money for the highly anticipated new playground. Look out for them as they litter pick, mow and paint their way through the summer down at the Leisure Centre. If you would like to  donate to the new playground and reward the ‘Bubwith Beasts’ hard work you can do so by visiting the Leisure Centre or Parish Council website Go Fund Me page https://gofund.me/f4196fe3  

The ‘Lifestyles Lunatics’ are four 10-year-olds who are raising money for the Leisure Centre and Primary  School. You may see them around the village and the school doing various jobs such as litter picking, tidying and general duties (they’ll be wearing Lifestyle T-Shirts). You may even have a chance to taste one of their lovely cakes on their cake stalls. They too have a Go Fund Me link to donate:  https://gofund.me/8eb9130b See Parish Council or Leisure Centre websites. 

Your support is most welcome whether it be praise or money by offering the teams some jobs. If you fancy offering your own time to volunteer on community projects please do get in touch, there are always opportunities within the village to get involved. 

Finally, I wish all teachers, parents, grandparents and children a lovely break for the summer. I’ve put in a request for dry warm weather so fingers crossed. 



Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





July Chair Letter: Bubwith Surgery – Ridings Medical Group Response

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I hope this finds you well. This month I want to focus my attention on our local GP services. Over the past year, the Parish Council has received a number of concerns about the services available to them from the Ridings Medical Group at Bubwith Surgery. For some people there was an anxiety that their difficulties in accessing services were an indication that the Medical Group intended to close Bubwith  Surgery, thankfully that is definitely not the case. 

The Parish Council made contact with the Practice and I had a very detailed discussion with Rebecca Rowe,  Head of Systems and Estates.

Rebecca walked me through some of the systems and changes that the practice has made to meet the ongoing needs of their registered patients and address some of the people’s concerns. 

I thought it might be helpful to share what I’ve learned to allay some of people’s fears and also to assist them in getting the best out of their surgery. 

First the facts. The NHS in England is currently experiencing its worst shortage of all kinds of staff including  GPs, Nurses and many essential frontline health professionals. Some General Practices are finding it impossible to recruit all types of staff and this has led to many practices merging into larger groups with fewer GPs.  

We are extremely lucky as the Ridings is a progressive practice and is managing to recruit and retain doctors and other staff. There are currently 31 GPs, 9 GP Registrars, 8 Advanced Practitioners, 2 Physicians  Associates, 5 Pharmacists, 4 Physiotherapists, 2 Social Prescribers, 12 Practice Nurses and 15 Health Care  Assistants. The GPs specifically designated for HoSM and Bubwith are, Dr Keith Richardson, Dr Rob Horsley, Dr Katherine Martin and Dr Sarah Howard Knight, but of course, you may see one of the other Doctors in order to be seen on the day. 

You may be forgiven for thinking that with the number of staff they have, getting an appointment to see the GP or other professional of your choice any day of the week would be easy. If you are as old as me you may have fond memories of the days when you simply pitched up at the surgery without an appointment and you would be seen, or if very ill you could request a home visit and the GP would turn up at your home.  

Things have had to change as GPs and their Primary Care Teams have increasing demands upon them. For example, a GP may be a trainer of other Doctors who wish to be qualified as a GP, they may be a Clinical Assistant working in the Hospital in a specialist role, be the medical cover for a number of Nursing or Care homes or provide medi cal input for the out of hours services and in A&E. Some parts of the GP’s previous role have been picked up by Practice Nurses,  Physiotherapists, Pharmacists and Physicians Associates to name but a few. This has been designed to ensure professionals only do what they can do and increase the capacity and responsiveness of the practice to patients’ needs.  The practice has approximately 46,800 patients registered with them. Their distribution is 1,674 in the Bubwith/Breighton area, 4,591 in the Home on Spalding Moor area and the remainder in the Brough/Hessel area. Staff are deployed in line with the number of patients they have registered in each area. Bubwith Surgery is open from 8.30 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 18.30 from Mon day to Friday. Staff present at the surgery on a typical week are: 

Monday AM 1 GP, 1 Nurse, 1 HCA  



Thursday Am 1 GP and 1 Nurse (not every week) 

Friday AM 2 GPs and 1 HCA 

The practice has analysed the specific health needs profile of our area using prevalence data and now has a Respiratory Nurse working at Bubwith to support people with respiratory conditions. 

The dispensary is open every day but closed for one hour from 12.00 to 13.00. The reason for this closure is to allow a member of staff to go to HoSM surgery to get prescriptions signed off to enable these to be ready for patients as soon as possible. The NHS at large has a policy regarding lone workers, particularly where drugs are available so I’m sure you will appreciate the need to close the surgery during this period. 

The Ridings medical group

The Ridings medical geoup

How does the appointment system work? 

It may surprise you to learn (it did me) that the practice are moving back to a face-to-face appointment system rather than telephone appointments. 

In response to the concerns of patients they have also implemented a new ‘triage’ appointment system since 2nd October 2023.  The following has been extracted from the practice website: 

For same-day and appointments within a week please use our new online consultation system at the following link https://florey.accurx.com/p/B81061 

This means that you do not need to contact us from 8 AM. You do not need to wait on hold or outside the practice and you don’t need to register to use this service. 

You can still request an appointment by phone or in person (although the online system is our recommended method) If you don’t have online access don’t worry our receptionists will help you complete the request to the GP over the phone. 

For routine non-urgent appointments please call the surgery and speak to our care navigation team. All Nurses, HCA, MSK, women’s health, Vaccinations etc will still be booked through the care navigation team 

You can still make routine non-urgent appointments online via the SystmOne website. (to use this service you will need a username and password. For security reasons this can only be supplied to you by asking, in person, at the surgery reception.) Click to be taken to SystmOne

In some cases, if you have a review due we will send you a link to book the required appointment. 

The doctor consulting in any particular surgery varies from time to time. You have the right to choose who you would like to see.  Under normal circumstances if urgent we will ensure that you see a GP within 48 hours but if you wish to see a specific doctor it may be longer, the receptionist will help you to arrange a mutually convenient appointment. 

The surgery is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times. The presence of a chaperone will be available for all situations where appropriate. 

Medically urgent cases will be seen within 24 hours by either a GP or a Nurse. 

Cancelling Appointments 


You can also cancel your appointment on the SystmOne website. 

Viewing future appointments

Future appointments can also be viewed on the SystmOne website 

It is worth noting that the practice operates a ‘fair share’ approach to appointments. For our local community that may feel less than fair as it doesn’t always favour us. Examples of this are how the practice deals with staff being sick or on leave as they may redeploy Bubwith designated GPs to HoSM to cover absences and ask Bubwith patients to travel to HoSM. Equally, you may be surprised to learn that many HoSM patients are offered appointments at Bubwith if there is availability on the day. Things to bear in mind when you need to make an appointment: 

People find it more difficult to access health care over the weekend so often there is a higher number of requests on Monday mornings and a fixed number of appointments at Bubwith so you could be asked to go to HoSM or even Brough for a same-day appointment. If you feel your appointment would be ok to wait until the next available appointment at Bubwith you can request this. 

Apparently, Bubwith’s surgery is quieter on Thursday and Friday so depending on who and what it is you wish to see and discuss you may prefer to make an appointment on those days. 

No one feels comfortable giving lots of clinical information when they are making an appointment, they have concerns about who will get to see this. However, the more clinical information you are able to provide the better it will be to triage your personal case and get you to see the right person as soon as possible. 

The Surgery are encouraging patients to go through the new triage system so they can be clinically triaged. They therefore have fewer appointments available via the online system. You can still cancel and view booked appointments online and also order prescriptions and view your medical record. If you don’t have access to system online you can register by emailing the practice on

The practice requests you do not simply walk into the practice to make an appointment as the staff will not necessarily be able to help you with this. This may seem negative and potentially rude but the system works most effectively online or on the phone with staff dedicated to supporting making appointments. 

Finally, a number of people asked why they had to go to HoSM or Brough for vaccinations. It is the vaccines themselves that drive this, not all of them are single-dose vaccines and therefore the practice needs to have a group of people being vaccinated in a surgery session to ensure they have the vaccines on-site and don’t waste them. 

I do hope this Chair’s special focus has been helpful to you even if you don’t agree with some of the approaches that the practice is taking. The Practice encourages feedback through the friends and family survey and is very proactive at responding to patient comments and suggestions. 


Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





June Chair Letter: Annual Parish Meeting & GP Surgery Updates

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the promised sunshine, let’s hope it continues for our next Bank Holiday weekend and the half-term break.

My highlights for this month include the commencement of work on the new patio area at the Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre (BLSC), weather permitting this will commence on the 29th May and be completed in approximately 3 weeks.

Apologies for the disruption but as you know you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. The patio will be a bonus as the Friday Family Fun nights have returned with outdoor games and music, not to mention Quiz Nights and Bingo. I know Tracey the centre coordinator is also hard at work getting food vans to attend, I’ve heard mention of Pizzas and Caribbean fare so keep an eye on Facebook for further information.

I was pleased to see Mike Suddaby at our Parish Council meeting on the 9th May, thankfully Mike is making a steady recovery.

It was our Annual Parish Meeting, which is an interesting facet of the Parish Council. Traditionally this meeting was a time for local groups to attend and engage with the Parish Council. Sadly nobody turned up and it occurred to me that perhaps we should make more of this annual event for groups to bend the
ear of the Parish Council about what is important to them within the parish. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has a view on this, although you don’t need to wait a year as the start of every Parish Council meeting is for the public to attend and raise issues.

The meeting proper included the election of officers it’s when individual councillors are identified to take the lead on various roles within the parish.

For 2024/25 these are:
Chair, Sandra Hills

Vice-Chair, Richard Falkingham

Cheque signatories remain as Barry Carpus, Richard Moore and Mike Suddaby
Other committees/representatives were elected as follows.

Allotments Officer, Malcolm Henson

Communications Team, Barry Carpus, Liz Hayes

Complaints Committee, Chair, Vice-Chair and Richard Moore

Leisure Centre Representative, Shaun Thompson

Orchard Committee, Chair, Liz Hayes and Malcolm Henson

Parish Transport Champion, Carol Hall

Planning, Chair, Vice-Chair, Shaun Thompson and John Watkinson

Policy Committee, Barry Carpus, Liz Hayes and John Watkinson

Public Rights of Way Committee, Chair, Vice-Chair, Barry Carpus, Allen Shepherd with Mary Whitworth as a co-opted member

Youth Club Committee, Carol Hall, Liz Hayes

Anyone wishing to raise matters with any Parish Councillors can do so via the Parish Clerk or look up the specific Councillor on our website where the photo and contact details for each councillor are displayed.

Earlier this year a number of concerns were raised with the Parish Council regarding a perceived difficulty in getting an appointment to see a GP at Bubwith Surgery. People were increasingly suspicious that there may be a plan to close the surgery. We have raised these concerns with the practice and I
have had a very long and detailed conversation with Rebecca Rowe from the practice whose role is to manage the appointment and clinical systems. I was personally reassured that there is no plan to close and by the information Rebecca gave me regarding the number of GP and Nurse clinical sessions held in
Bubwith and the new approach to the appointment system that is designed to provide more accessible appointments in the village. I agreed with Rebecca that I would do a feature on the Practice and it's appointment system for the Bugle.

It is my intention to do this for the next edition as I will need to verify the accuracy of on my feature prior to going to print. In the meantime hopefully you will already have experienced and improvement since the implementation of the new system last October.

There are some very observant and interested residents in our Parish and we have received a number of enquiries regarding some work being undertaken across the field adjacent to the waterworks and down to the riverbank. Although not able to offer clarification regarding this work our Parish Clerk is
in communication with ERYC regarding this work to address concerns that have
been raised.

Finally, the Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme is now closed on the 12 th June and will make decisions regarding the allocation of the available £23K. My sincere thanks to all those who have submitted grant applications as I appreciate there is a considerable amount of work involved.

Now for me, it’s back to the garden where the grass and weeds have shot up by 6 inches (15.24cm) since I began writing this piece. I wish you a sunny and relaxing BH weekend.


Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





May Chair Letter: Mike, parking, new patio space and gin!

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I do hope this finds you well and not too depressed with this incessant rain, sunny times are just around the corner in time for our May Public Holiday Season. If you need cheering up in the interim you might like to call in at the All Saints Church coffee mornings on a Wednesday morning between 10 and 12 noon. I hear their bacon buttys and sausage sandwiches are amazing and the company is pretty good too! 

Just a few things for me to highlight this month: 

Firstly, one of our Parish Councillors, Mike Suddaby has been having some pretty serious surgery recently but thankfully is now back home and on the mend. Mike and his wife Sheila are well-known and well-regarded within our community. Both are extremely committed to supporting community events and people. I’m sure like me you’ll wish Mike a speedy recovery when he is taking a gentle walk around the village.

Parking is always a challenge in Bubwith village but recently it has become worse. Some people were concerned about poor parking on the roadside and pavement when an event was held at the Leisure  Centre recently (Sunday 14th April). Unfortunately, due to the weather parking on the field wasn’t possible. Volunteers were out all day marshalling the parking but there were examples of thoughtless parking. The BLSC has apologized and will be seeking to prevent further occurrences. A more enduring parking problem in the village is around the area of Morrisons Store in the centre. In their haste, people are parking across entrances to people’s homes and blocking access in and out of the Jug & Bottle car park. Visibility is also limited at this pinch point and the risk for pedestrians, especially children is heightened. The Parish Council are exploring with East Riding Council what other preventative measures can be applied to address this frustrating situation. 

We appreciate people’s lives are extremely busy and everyone thinks they will only be a minute or two in the shop. In reality, it is more likely to be 15 minutes and other people are inconvenienced as a consequence. Please Park with care and consideration, that will work for everyone concerned. Breighton also suffers roadside issues – at every Parish Council meeting, we discuss the verges on Clay  Lane and just about every month Steve Young is in touch with ERYC regarding the state of repair and road cleaning. Sadly a permanent solution is not on the horizon but we will continue to agitate. The Gin Festival – On a brighter note this recent event has been deemed a success, with lots of positive and some constructive feedback and a definite request to repeat the event next year. The event raised just short of £800 all of which goes to sustain the Leisure and Sports Centre which as you will know is a charity. Any ideas for future events are always welcomed as are volunteers interested in getting involved. 

Speaking of volunteers! I mentioned last month that we have been successful in getting a grant for a new patio area at the leisure centre and work is due to commence in June and take about 3 weeks.  Part of the development is to enhance the green space surrounding the patio sadly the grant won’t cover this but I’m hoping we can get some volunteers engaged in the working party to do this work,  either donating their time or some shrubs. If you are interested in this short-term project please get in touch, thank you. 

Finally, a reminder, the Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme is open for applications until the 17th May with decisions being made on the 12th June. There is approx. £23K available this year and  I encourage any groups to consider putting forward an application

https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/ council/grants-and-funding/rural-funding/spaldington-wind-farm-community-fund/


Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779





April Chair Letter: Family Fridays, Plant lovers wanted, Toddler Group & more

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


Happy Easter from all of the Parish Council. We hope the weather is good and most importantly dry for the upcoming holiday weekend, whatever you are doing. 

March brought good news for our Leisure Centre as our grant application for some of the national ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ has been successful and will soon be commencing work on a new patio on the field side of the centre. Our next grant goal will be for patio furniture and then we’ll be set for Family Friday sessions over the summer months. 

As part of our application, we undertook to improve the look of the patio with some plant design as a volunteer project. If any keen horticulturalists would like to be involved or anyone has any plants they would like to donate please get in touch your contributions and green fingers would be very much appreciated.

I have previously written about the Bubwith Little People’s Project Group who have been focusing on  getting a new playground for the village. The group now has a design and at our recent Parish Council  meeting we agreed that the PC would project manage the next part to get planning consent. Steve Young and I are working together on this proposal that will include the removal of the old playground, additional car parking in its place and a number of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging points (a request from  a member of our community). It is early days for this aspiration as we will need significant grants to bring it all to fruition. However, I wanted to raise awareness as we will need community support to gain grants and I’m sure there may be some interest and views on the potential for EV Charging within the village. Any thoughts, please drop me a line.

I had an interesting chat with Vickie Beech this week, Vickie together with Sheila Reed are volunteers who run the Monday morning toddler group at the Leisure Centre. The group operates in term time and provides a great place for very young children to learn to socialise, it’s a real bonus for the community. It is a huge success with numbers steadily growing. Congratulations to Vickie and Sheila for their ongoing commitment and success.

Just a few things for me to highlight this month: 

Gin Festival on the 6th April (tickets from Alison Craven Mob: 07738609711 email: or for cash from the Jug & Bottle. It promises to be good fun so I hope you manage to get there. As always, all profit goes to support the Leisure and Sports Centre (you may be aware it is a charity and doesn’t get any public funding but relies solely on generating funds and people’s donations). 

The Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme is now open for applications until the 17th May with decisions being made on the 12th June. I represent our PC on this panel and I am always proud of the number of successful applications from our parish, although I hasten to add I’m not allowed to  vote for these. There is approx. £23K available this year and I encourage any groups to consider putting forward an application https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/council/grants-and-funding/rural funding/spaldington-wind-farm-community-fund/ 

Previous successes include the new footbridge from the sports field to the Public Right of Way (2023),  funding for 2 Youth Workers to run our hugely successful Youth Club (2021 to 2023), Bubwith Arts  Movement (BAM) currently working on a young people mural project (2023) and many more. Finally, if you are new to the parish and want to know about local services you might like to have a copy of Your Guide for Supporting Localwhich is a definitive resource for living in Bubwith,  Breighton, Willitoft and Gunby. Please get in touch and I will make sure you get one. You may also want to get more involved in your new community by volunteering, if so please drop me a line.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779
