September Chair Letter: Family Fridays, John & Autumn Social Calendars
Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft
I hope this finds you well and enjoying your summer sunshine and hopefully a bit of downtime in this holiday season.
This month I must be brief lest the weeds in my garden see my back is turned and take over completely or another grandchild is deposited for a few days of intensive grandparenting!
Good news includes the new patio furniture at the Leisure Centre grant funded by the Spaldington Windfarm Community Fund. If you haven’t been down lately, please do go and have a look, better still take a picnic and have a break in the sunshine or try one of the Family Fridays. The colours will cheer you up no end.
The final touches are being put on two grant applications. One for the play park and another to refurbish the bar lounge area of the Leisure Centre with comfier seating, tables, soft furnishings and TV and sound system. Fingers crossed we are successful as plans for the autumn/winter social calendar are very advanced and it would be lovely to have this work completed quickly.
Coming up are:
Fashion Show on Friday 6th September with doors open at 6.30 pm and the show commencing at 7 pm. If you have ever fancied yourself sashaying down a catwalk in Paris, now is your big chance! We are looking for models for this event if you are interested please contact Alison Craven on 07738609711 (text or call) or via Early bird tickets available for £5 from the Jug and Bottle until Friday 30th August and then £6 from Alison or on the night. The ticket includes a glass of Prosecco. It promises to be an enjoyable social event that shouldn’t break the bank!
The hugely popular and successful Macmillan Coffee morning is to be repeated at 9 am onwards on Friday 27th September. Demonstrating collaboration at its best this year, the event will be held at the Leisure Centre as a joint venture between the All Saints Church and the centre’s Social team. All proceeds to Macmillan. If you would like to contribute a cake please bring them on the day. We look forward to welcoming you.
A Murder Mystery Evening is planned for Friday 18th October, more details to follow next month.
Parish Council business this month has been focused on ensuring people have accurate information about the closures on Church Street whilst some much-needed road repairs and resurfacing are being done. Information has been circulated on social media but if anyone has concerns, please contact Steve Young who has been liaising with ERYCC. Tel: 01757 288234
Finally, we wish John Watkinson our Breighton Parish Councillor a speedy recovery. John has been seriously ill recently but thankfully he is making a steady recovery; we look forward to his return.
Now for me, it’s back to the garden where the grass and weeds have shot up by 6 inches (15.24cm) since I began writing this piece. I wish you a sunny and relaxing BH weekend.
Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council
Email: Mob : 07748965779