
June Chair Letter: Annual Parish Meeting & GP Surgery Updates

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the promised sunshine, let’s hope it continues for our next Bank Holiday weekend and the half-term break.

My highlights for this month include the commencement of work on the new patio area at the Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre (BLSC), weather permitting this will commence on the 29th May and be completed in approximately 3 weeks.

Apologies for the disruption but as you know you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. The patio will be a bonus as the Friday Family Fun nights have returned with outdoor games and music, not to mention Quiz Nights and Bingo. I know Tracey the centre coordinator is also hard at work getting food vans to attend, I’ve heard mention of Pizzas and Caribbean fare so keep an eye on Facebook for further information.

I was pleased to see Mike Suddaby at our Parish Council meeting on the 9th May, thankfully Mike is making a steady recovery.

It was our Annual Parish Meeting, which is an interesting facet of the Parish Council. Traditionally this meeting was a time for local groups to attend and engage with the Parish Council. Sadly nobody turned up and it occurred to me that perhaps we should make more of this annual event for groups to bend the
ear of the Parish Council about what is important to them within the parish. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has a view on this, although you don’t need to wait a year as the start of every Parish Council meeting is for the public to attend and raise issues.

The meeting proper included the election of officers it’s when individual councillors are identified to take the lead on various roles within the parish.

For 2024/25 these are:
Chair, Sandra Hills

Vice-Chair, Richard Falkingham

Cheque signatories remain as Barry Carpus, Richard Moore and Mike Suddaby
Other committees/representatives were elected as follows.

Allotments Officer, Malcolm Henson

Communications Team, Barry Carpus, Liz Hayes

Complaints Committee, Chair, Vice-Chair and Richard Moore

Leisure Centre Representative, Shaun Thompson

Orchard Committee, Chair, Liz Hayes and Malcolm Henson

Parish Transport Champion, Carol Hall

Planning, Chair, Vice-Chair, Shaun Thompson and John Watkinson

Policy Committee, Barry Carpus, Liz Hayes and John Watkinson

Public Rights of Way Committee, Chair, Vice-Chair, Barry Carpus, Allen Shepherd with Mary Whitworth as a co-opted member

Youth Club Committee, Carol Hall, Liz Hayes

Anyone wishing to raise matters with any Parish Councillors can do so via the Parish Clerk or look up the specific Councillor on our website where the photo and contact details for each councillor are displayed.

Earlier this year a number of concerns were raised with the Parish Council regarding a perceived difficulty in getting an appointment to see a GP at Bubwith Surgery. People were increasingly suspicious that there may be a plan to close the surgery. We have raised these concerns with the practice and I
have had a very long and detailed conversation with Rebecca Rowe from the practice whose role is to manage the appointment and clinical systems. I was personally reassured that there is no plan to close and by the information Rebecca gave me regarding the number of GP and Nurse clinical sessions held in
Bubwith and the new approach to the appointment system that is designed to provide more accessible appointments in the village. I agreed with Rebecca that I would do a feature on the Practice and it's appointment system for the Bugle.

It is my intention to do this for the next edition as I will need to verify the accuracy of on my feature prior to going to print. In the meantime hopefully you will already have experienced and improvement since the implementation of the new system last October.

There are some very observant and interested residents in our Parish and we have received a number of enquiries regarding some work being undertaken across the field adjacent to the waterworks and down to the riverbank. Although not able to offer clarification regarding this work our Parish Clerk is
in communication with ERYC regarding this work to address concerns that have
been raised.

Finally, the Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme is now closed on the 12 th June and will make decisions regarding the allocation of the available £23K. My sincere thanks to all those who have submitted grant applications as I appreciate there is a considerable amount of work involved.

Now for me, it’s back to the garden where the grass and weeds have shot up by 6 inches (15.24cm) since I began writing this piece. I wish you a sunny and relaxing BH weekend.


Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779




August Chair Letter : Bubwith Businesses, Hedgehogs & Hedges

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton


I hope this finds you well.  They say be careful what you wish for, so my apologies for complaining about the dry garden last month, we seem to have been blessed with a lot of rain as a consequence.


Let me begin with Bubwith Bridge.  Work has now commenced although I note that there is a concern that there is little sign of major activities at the moment.  I shall be raising this with ERYC to see if there is an explanation.  Don’t forget there is a contact email: to direct questions to individual officers simply mark ‘for the attention of’ and it will get to them.  


There is also the Bubwith Bridge Facebook page for updates and for those not on Facebook a regular update can be emailed or a printed version posted.  Please either call the council call centre 01482 39 39 39, or email your name and address to and request regular updates by post.


Locally, businesses in the village are definitely already feeling the impact and are very actively mitigating against reduced business due the closure.  Mounfields have introduced an order and delivery service for their customers over the bridge, contact Mounfields on 01757 288339.

The White Swan has introduced Quiz night Thursdays, £5 pp including supper, 7pm for 7.30 start, this enjoyable event got off to a great start so get there early and don’t miss out! All our businesses need our local support to see them through this time.  I bumped into someone the other day that had only just tried the fruit and veg room at the Jug & Bottle and were bowled over by the selection, if you don’t go in you won’t know what you are missing until it’s too late!


Bubwith Leisure & Sport Centre has a new Social Team of volunteers.  Their goal is to run social events at the centre to support for local people.  The team is planning events for next year including a Gin Festival & Bubwith Big Bash. Currently they have reinstated the monthly Bingo and are holding a Family Fiesta evening on 9th September (tickets £10 adult £5 child including supper and a soft drink or Sangria, tickets available Alison Craven mob: 07738609711 or ).  If you would like to get involved with the Social Team as a volunteer, as a group in the village, or have suggestions please contact Alison.


ERYC Business Development lead Dawn Hall has offered to support the development of a marketing booklet outlining all the businesses within our community and I’ve recently been in touch with most to see if they’d like to be involved. Paula Clark (a professional also local to the village) is being commissioned to design and produce the booklet. If I haven’t contacted you please contact me if you’d like to be involved.  It’s intended the booklet will encourage people to use our services now but also signpost newcomers in the future and encourage us all to reduce our carbon footprint by buying local.

The bridge is not the only story of the moment.  We have been fortunate to have some successful bids from the Spaldington Wind farm Community Fund.  Thanks to those in our community who put some great bids together.  Our successes include; funding our Youth club Workers (we are the only village in the immediate area to have one, supporting the repair of the metal bridge from the Leisure Centre Field to the PRW along Southfield Drain and FoBS application for a Children & Young Peoples’ art project.  Every year people make the effort to put in bids to enhance our community assets and every year their effort has paid off, thank you!


This month I’d like to give a mention to hedges and hedgehogs.  August is approaching and from the birds perspective it’s safe to cut your hedge (if you haven’t already).  The Parish Council has been inundated with request for action on cutting back hedges as some are sticking out so far it is impossible to operate a pram/buggie or mobility scooter safely on the pavement.  There are some  where even a single pedestrian ends up on the road to avoid them, not to mention reduced visibility for motorists.  Please be considerate to your community by keeping your hedge in check.  If you have a problem getting your hedge cut please get in touch we may be able to assist you.


As for hedgehogs, did you know they are an endangered species in the UK?  Did you also know that they could walk about 3 miles per night foraging for food?  Hedgehogs R Us a local charity contacted our PC to raise awareness of their highway project.  All it requires is to leave a 5-inch (12.7 cm) gap in your fence to enable our spikey friends to access your garden and help themselves to your slugs, snails, beetles and earthworms.


Finally and very importantly, a request has been made to site a waste bin in Breighton to assist dog walkers to deposit their dogs’ deposits.  Steve Young is on the case and hopefully it will be with you very soon.


Thank you for your kind attention.  If there is anything arising from my Chair’s piece today please get in touch.


Best wishes.

Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council   

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.  .

February Chair Letter : February is full of activity!

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton


February may be the shortest month of the year but what it lacks in length it seems to make up for with activity!


The Parish Council continue to pursue the issues that are raised as concerns by people; contact is being made on a daily basis with EYCC regarding the bridge repair, signage and impact on local businesses and residents, similarly the state of the roads in Breighton and Bubwith with emphasis on some of the worst such as Church Street.  We are now asking residents to bring additional pressure to bear through individual emailed complaints.  Steve Young has been advising the email address to send to.


I attended a meeting of the Spaldington Wind Farm Community Fund Panel recently.  Our community has a brilliant record of successful applications over the years including funding a youth club leader, our mini bookcase, benches, defibrillators, outdoor furniture for the school and a variety of amenities for the Leisure Centre.   This year the fund will open from the 13th March to 19th May, decisions will be made on the 14th June. 

I would encourage groups to apply for either a small grant up to £500 or larger.  All details on the East Riding website above.


Our Youth Club goes from strength to strength thanks to our staff and volunteers.  Recently 47 members attained a certificate in First Aid.  Well done Youth Club!


Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre – Thanks to our increased volunteers there are two events coming up that I’d like to flag: 


The return of Bingo to the Leisure Centre at 7pm on the 24th February which promises to be good fun with £150 jackpot too!


The Table Top Sale from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 26th February.  Over 25 tables booked. A range of items including children’s clothing (various ages), sports equipment, silver jewelry, general household goods, craft yarns and much more.  Teas, Coffees, Bacon Sandwiches and baked goods will be on offer and the Bar will be open and remain open for the Rugby after the event.  

There are still a number of tables available at £5 per table.

Entry will be 50p at the door.  A great opportunity to bag a bargain or meet for a natter!  All proceeds to Community Projects.


If you are interested in booking a table or volunteering for this or future events please drop me an email or telephone 07748965779.  I will be delighted to hear from you and book you a stall.


Finally, I had an interesting chat with a senior member of our parish recently who advised me there are still a lot of people who don’t have the internet or mobile phones and who rely on the Bugle and notice boards to get their information.  They feel a little disconnected from what is going on.  PC discussed this at our recent meeting and will be seeking to include more information on ‘what’s on’ locally and also to have a notice board at the road end of the Leisure Centre to highlight activities.  


Take care to enjoy this mild weather.  

Best wishes.


Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.  .


Bubwith Community Youth Club Info

Bubwith Community Youth Club is held on Wednesdays during term time from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.
We hold our sessions at the Bubwith Leisure Centre.
We aim to provide activities for everyone to get involved in but above all, we will remain a safe place for everyone to reconnect with friends outside of school.
Entry is £1 per child. Pre-registration is required but a parent can do this on the first day.
Ages 7-16 years but children of 6 years are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Tuck shop every session so bring some pocket money.
Our leaders Jemma and Lisa have lots of events planned for each session.
We welcome new volunteer helpers even if you can only help out one session a term. Please come down and see what we are all about! Any questions, just ask or email

May Chair Letter: Youth Club, Antisocial Behaviour & Children’s Playground

Dear Parishioners of Breighton & Bubwith


I hope this finds you all in good health. This month I’d like to update you one of our success stories and bring to your attention some of the things that people have raised with the Parish Council over the past month.


The Parish Council has committed to supporting the youth club through the appointment of a paid Youth Club leader and this is proving to be a great success. There is little entertainment locally for our young parishioners and it was clear from the numbers (40+ each week) and the high levels of energy and noise that the youth club is a popular place to let off a bit of steam.   Like other Parish Councillors I recently joined the rota for the Youth Club and had the great pleasure of attending two sessions.  I was very impressed with just how smart and energized our young people are, but perhaps more importantly just how caring and supportive they are towards newcomers and friends who are going through some challenging times at the moment.  They are a tribute to their families, schools and our community.


The ongoing success of the youth club depends on the willingness of volunteers to cover the rota; the numbers of children that can attend sessions is directly linked to the number of volunteers who attend each week.  We have some amazing volunteers, some of many years standing, who attend weekly and some parents who commit when they can.  I’d like to thank them all for their commitment and dedication.  That said we are always seeking more volunteers.  If you have some spare time on a Wednesday evening and would like to get involved please do get in touch.


Issues that have been raised with me recently sadly include incidents of antisocial behaviour and intimidation. The Parish Council has little powers to take direct action but would urge anyone experiencing such behaviour towards them to report it to the Police and also the East Riding Antisocial Behaviour Team (Tel: 01482 396380), both are best placed to support people through such challenging experiences.


The PC has received a number of requests to do something about updating the Children’s Playground.  We whole-heartedly agree.  It would be good to do something for the village. However, we recognize this would be an enormous challenge to achieve, for example the playground at Holme-on-Spalding-Moor cost something in the region of £100K to renew.  There is clearly a high level of interest in this so if anyone is willing and interested in getting involved in seeing this aspiration materialize the PC would be very happy to establish a Playground Committee.  Please get in touch and we will get a meeting organized to move forward.


Finally, we would like to be more in touch with people and groups in the village to hear about what they are doing and what they aspire to for our community. To take this forward we are planning a social event for the evening of Friday 24th June.  More information and invitations will be on the way shortly.


 Best wishes


Sandra Hills

Chair of Bubwith Parish Council   

  1. If there are other matters unconnected to this report that you wish to raise please do get in touch.  .



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