
July Chair Letter: Bubwith & Breighton Parish Against Cost and Carbon

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton


I hope you are coping with this extremely hot weather. It’s something of a mixed blessing, with on the one hand being granted permission to stay indoors, rest and drink plenty and on the other a desperate need to keep watering some of our treasured plants or working into the night to cut hay or bring in a harvest. Then of course there is the dog walking being done late at night and early in the morning with half an hour break in between!!!!


I am sure that people will be erring on the side of caution with their water consumption and hosing given some of the stark messages in the news about water supply.  More importantly, I hope you are taking care of your own health and keeping your eye on older folk and those with underlying health conditions who are particularly vulnerable.  Heat stroke and the impact of excessive heat creeps up on us very sneakily and at it’s worse it can lead to heart attacks and potentially death, so please take care.


On the subject of high temperatures and climate change, the Parish Council had a very interesting presentation at our most recent meeting from Mike Kaye of Energy Oasis (  The substance of Mike’s talk was why costs of energy are escalating and why they are set to go even higher. He spoke about what action we can take and the potential for our parish to become a Community Energy Co-operative/hub.  The aim of such a project would be twofold, reducing carbon emissions through the use of green energy generated locally and reducing the cost of that energy for our community.  A road map of how to determine the feasibility and implement such a project was discussed at length.


Further discussion was related to climate change and the heartfelt concerns that many of us have for the future for our children and grandchildren if action to address the situation is not taken. An example community who has begun to take action is Alton in Hampshire  We agreed our community has already begun to take similar actions on an informal/ ad hoc basis but there is a potential for us to do more.  The PC concluded we should invite interested parties to a meeting to establish whether there is an appetite to take forward a Community Energy Co-op and climate network.   


A first discussion of Bubwith & Breighton Parish Against Cost and Carbon (BBPACC) is planned for 7pm on Wednesday 3rd August at the Bubwith Sport & Leisure Centre.  Please let us know if you are interested, interested in attending or simply turn up on the night.   Contact: or


On the subject of events, we held our first Parish Council Social event on the 24th June.  Feedback from those who attended included a need to expand the invitations (an action for next year), a list of actions that they would like the PC to take to improve road safety and raise awareness of clubs in the village (already done). The general feedback was it was a worthwhile evening and a good opportunity to get to know each other. 


Finally, just in case you were unaware, the second Bubwith Big Bash is to take place on Saturday 13th August.  Grants to support this event have been secured and it promises to be bigger and better than the event in 2021 with lots for families to do and enjoy.    


I have been lucky enough, together with Anne Young, to be selected to run the raffle the proceeds of which are used solely for community events.   Anne and I are looking to the generosity of people and businesses in the village to donate some prizes for the raffle.  Please, please, please do donate.  No prize is too small or too large and if you would like to get a mention as a prize sponsor we will be delighted to do that.  Please contact me on 07748965779 if you are happy to donate a prize.  Many thanks in advance, Sandra & Anne.


 Best wishes


Sandra Hills

Chair of Bubwith Parish Council   

  1. If there are other matters unconnected to this report that you wish to raise please do get in touch.  .