
September Chair Letter: Family Fridays, John & Autumn Social Calendars

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I hope this finds you well and enjoying your summer sunshine and hopefully a bit of downtime in this holiday season. 

This month I must be brief lest the weeds in my garden see my back is turned and take over completely or another grandchild is deposited for a few days of intensive grandparenting! 

Good news includes the new patio furniture at the Leisure Centre grant funded by the Spaldington  Windfarm Community Fund. If you haven’t been down lately, please do go and have a look, better still take a picnic and have a break in the sunshine or try one of the Family Fridays. The colours will cheer you up no end. 

The final touches are being put on two grant applications. One for the play park and another to refurbish the bar lounge area of the Leisure Centre with comfier seating, tables, soft furnishings and TV and sound system. Fingers crossed we are successful as plans for the autumn/winter social calendar are very advanced and it would be lovely to have this work completed quickly. 

Coming up are: 

Fashion Show on Friday 6th September with doors open at 6.30 pm and the show commencing at  7 pm. If you have ever fancied yourself sashaying down a catwalk in Paris, now is your big chance! We are looking for models for this event if you are interested please contact Alison Craven on  07738609711 (text or call) or via Early bird tickets available for £5  from the Jug and Bottle until Friday 30th August and then £6 from Alison or on the night. The ticket includes a glass of Prosecco. It promises to be an enjoyable social event that shouldn’t break the bank! 

The hugely popular and successful Macmillan Coffee morning is to be repeated at 9 am onwards on  Friday 27th September. Demonstrating collaboration at its best this year, the event will be held at the  Leisure Centre as a joint venture between the All Saints Church and the centre’s Social team. All proceeds to Macmillan. If you would like to contribute a cake please bring them on the day. We look  forward to welcoming you. 

A Murder Mystery Evening is planned for Friday 18th October, more details to follow next month. 

Parish Council business this month has been focused on ensuring people have accurate information about the closures on Church Street whilst some much-needed road repairs and resurfacing are being done. Information has been circulated on social media but if anyone has concerns, please contact  Steve Young who has been liaising with ERYCC.  Tel: 01757 288234 

Finally, we wish John Watkinson our Breighton Parish Councillor a speedy recovery. John has been seriously ill recently but thankfully he is making a steady recovery; we look forward to his return. 

Now for me, it’s back to the garden where the grass and weeds have shot up by 6 inches (15.24cm)  since I began writing this piece. I wish you a sunny and relaxing BH weekend.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779




April Chair Letter: Family Fridays, Plant lovers wanted, Toddler Group & more

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


Happy Easter from all of the Parish Council. We hope the weather is good and most importantly dry for the upcoming holiday weekend, whatever you are doing. 

March brought good news for our Leisure Centre as our grant application for some of the national ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ has been successful and will soon be commencing work on a new patio on the field side of the centre. Our next grant goal will be for patio furniture and then we’ll be set for Family Friday sessions over the summer months. 

As part of our application, we undertook to improve the look of the patio with some plant design as a volunteer project. If any keen horticulturalists would like to be involved or anyone has any plants they would like to donate please get in touch your contributions and green fingers would be very much appreciated.

I have previously written about the Bubwith Little People’s Project Group who have been focusing on  getting a new playground for the village. The group now has a design and at our recent Parish Council  meeting we agreed that the PC would project manage the next part to get planning consent. Steve Young and I are working together on this proposal that will include the removal of the old playground, additional car parking in its place and a number of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging points (a request from  a member of our community). It is early days for this aspiration as we will need significant grants to bring it all to fruition. However, I wanted to raise awareness as we will need community support to gain grants and I’m sure there may be some interest and views on the potential for EV Charging within the village. Any thoughts, please drop me a line.

I had an interesting chat with Vickie Beech this week, Vickie together with Sheila Reed are volunteers who run the Monday morning toddler group at the Leisure Centre. The group operates in term time and provides a great place for very young children to learn to socialise, it’s a real bonus for the community. It is a huge success with numbers steadily growing. Congratulations to Vickie and Sheila for their ongoing commitment and success.

Just a few things for me to highlight this month: 

Gin Festival on the 6th April (tickets from Alison Craven Mob: 07738609711 email: or for cash from the Jug & Bottle. It promises to be good fun so I hope you manage to get there. As always, all profit goes to support the Leisure and Sports Centre (you may be aware it is a charity and doesn’t get any public funding but relies solely on generating funds and people’s donations). 

The Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme is now open for applications until the 17th May with decisions being made on the 12th June. I represent our PC on this panel and I am always proud of the number of successful applications from our parish, although I hasten to add I’m not allowed to  vote for these. There is approx. £23K available this year and I encourage any groups to consider putting forward an application funding/spaldington-wind-farm-community-fund/ 

Previous successes include the new footbridge from the sports field to the Public Right of Way (2023),  funding for 2 Youth Workers to run our hugely successful Youth Club (2021 to 2023), Bubwith Arts  Movement (BAM) currently working on a young people mural project (2023) and many more. Finally, if you are new to the parish and want to know about local services you might like to have a copy of Your Guide for Supporting Localwhich is a definitive resource for living in Bubwith,  Breighton, Willitoft and Gunby. Please get in touch and I will make sure you get one. You may also want to get more involved in your new community by volunteering, if so please drop me a line.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779




March Chair Letter: Welcome to Helen, BOOM, Events & Grants

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


It’s my sincere hope your wellies haven’t sprung a leak and you are enjoying February despite the incessant rain. It’s a small consolation but the evenings are getting lighter, hurrah!  There are only a few things for me to highlight this month.  


Firstly, I’d like to welcome Helen Gregory as our newly co-opted Parish Councillor.  Helen has lived in Bubwith with her husband Guy for a considerable number of years. They have raised their children here (both now adults) and are well known to many people having participated in many groups and events. If you’d like to know more about Helen her biograph will shortly be appearing on our website  


A ‘Race Night’ event was recently held at the leisure centre. It raised over £2,500 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Congratulations to the organizer Stephen Johnston and all those who worked so hard to make it such a success for our local punters. 


A few upcoming events I’d like to highlight are:  the Friends of Bubwith School (FOBS) Beer Fest on Saturday 2nd March (tickets from or cash at the Jug & Bottle)  followed by a Gin Festival  on the 6th April (tickets from Alison Craven Mob: 07738609711 email: of for cash from the Jug & Bottle.  Both events promise to be good fun so I hope you manage to get to them.


I know there are some keen historians in our community,  at least 507 of them belong to the Old Bubwith & Surrounding Villages facebook group where there is plenty of discussion and sharing of some brilliant old photographs of  Bubwith and the surrounding area.  There is also a lovely locally produced publication called, BUBWITH: an East Yorkshire Parish that was sold some years ago to raise funds for the Leisure Centre but until recently was out of print.  There is now a new supply and if you are interested in purchasing a copy you can obtain one from the Leisure Centre or via Steve Young, Parish Clerk for a mere £5.  The proceeds of all sales go back to the Leisure Centre for the benefit of local people.


We have recently submitted a bid for some of the national ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ to put a new patio area on the field side of the leisure centre, fingers crossed for a successful outcome.


The Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme will be open for applications in mid March.  As a village community we have been very industrious in putting forward successful applications and I encourage any groups to consider doing so again this year.


Finally, on a serious note, Parish Councillor, Liz Hayes recently attended a meeting to discuss the proposed BOOM Solar Farm currently being consulted on. Due to the size of the proposal this will not be determined by local planning but by the Secretary of State.  Liz has been advised that if anyone wishes to comment prior to final decision they need to register their interest BEFORE 8TH MARCH 2024 with the Planning Inspectorate.


As part of registration, you will need to provide a few basic details and submit a short explanation of what you believe to be the main issues of the plan and the impacts the solar farm would have on the area.  After 8th March the process moves onto the examination stage during which only those who have registered will be invited to provide further comments and objections.  Once the examination stage is complete there will be no further opportunity for people to raise concerns or objections to the project. 

DD pointed out that the more people that register the more concerns will be raised, and that the Planning Inspectorate would look at these comments and take them into account when deciding the matter.

For those interested, I hope you find this information helpful


Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council


February Chair Letter: Happy New Year

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


What a joy to see that despite incessant rain and high energy costs (and outages) our community made it yet another glistening & glittery Christmas to remember. As always it’s the volunteers and community that ensure the magic continues, my thanks to you.  

I noted Santa deployed some new Christmas Elves this year, big thanks go to Ami, Harriet, Lydia, Beth and Vicki who kept the magic alive despite very damp Christmas postbox conditions and washed away return addresses.


In addition to our much-loved events, two new traditions began in 2023.  Our first Santa Fun Run attracted over 80 entrants in full-on festive attire who ran, ambled or danced around the Leisure Centre’s track on the 17th December raising over £500 for the New Playground fund.  The highly collectable medals were kindly sponsored by Claire Allder from the White Swan.  Thank you to Claire,  Martyn & Camilla, the Little Peoples Project Group and Social Team members for organizing, nay, ‘running’ this event!


A Volunteer’s Celebration & Thank You Event was held on the 7th Jan. Over 50 people attended but invitations were sent to many more. Sadly some were already committed (often the way with busy volunteers) and some advised they were chuffed to be asked, to enjoy doing their bit to support our community but making an appearance or worst still being thanked in public just wasn’t their thing.  You know who you all are, we respect your wishes but we would offer our sincere thanks for you being you and making this a great place to live.  


2024 promises to be a brilliant year with some great events in the offing.  We kick off with Robin Hood and Babes in the Wood performed by our recently established Bubwith Amateur Dramatic Society (BADS).  Two performances (Matinee at 2.30 and Evening at 7.30) will take place at the Leisure Centre on Saturday 10th February.  Tickets:  by donations.  


A Race Night in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance on the 17th February with Free Entry, an opportunity to sponsor a horse and a definite invitation to dress up!  


I’m also shouting out to anyone who would like to be involved in our planned Gin Festival (6th April) and Bubwith Big Bash being planned for the summer, call or email (Mob: 07748965779 . ).



Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council


August Chair Letter : Bubwith Businesses, Hedgehogs & Hedges

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton


I hope this finds you well.  They say be careful what you wish for, so my apologies for complaining about the dry garden last month, we seem to have been blessed with a lot of rain as a consequence.


Let me begin with Bubwith Bridge.  Work has now commenced although I note that there is a concern that there is little sign of major activities at the moment.  I shall be raising this with ERYC to see if there is an explanation.  Don’t forget there is a contact email: to direct questions to individual officers simply mark ‘for the attention of’ and it will get to them.  


There is also the Bubwith Bridge Facebook page for updates and for those not on Facebook a regular update can be emailed or a printed version posted.  Please either call the council call centre 01482 39 39 39, or email your name and address to and request regular updates by post.


Locally, businesses in the village are definitely already feeling the impact and are very actively mitigating against reduced business due the closure.  Mounfields have introduced an order and delivery service for their customers over the bridge, contact Mounfields on 01757 288339.

The White Swan has introduced Quiz night Thursdays, £5 pp including supper, 7pm for 7.30 start, this enjoyable event got off to a great start so get there early and don’t miss out! All our businesses need our local support to see them through this time.  I bumped into someone the other day that had only just tried the fruit and veg room at the Jug & Bottle and were bowled over by the selection, if you don’t go in you won’t know what you are missing until it’s too late!


Bubwith Leisure & Sport Centre has a new Social Team of volunteers.  Their goal is to run social events at the centre to support for local people.  The team is planning events for next year including a Gin Festival & Bubwith Big Bash. Currently they have reinstated the monthly Bingo and are holding a Family Fiesta evening on 9th September (tickets £10 adult £5 child including supper and a soft drink or Sangria, tickets available Alison Craven mob: 07738609711 or ).  If you would like to get involved with the Social Team as a volunteer, as a group in the village, or have suggestions please contact Alison.


ERYC Business Development lead Dawn Hall has offered to support the development of a marketing booklet outlining all the businesses within our community and I’ve recently been in touch with most to see if they’d like to be involved. Paula Clark (a professional also local to the village) is being commissioned to design and produce the booklet. If I haven’t contacted you please contact me if you’d like to be involved.  It’s intended the booklet will encourage people to use our services now but also signpost newcomers in the future and encourage us all to reduce our carbon footprint by buying local.

The bridge is not the only story of the moment.  We have been fortunate to have some successful bids from the Spaldington Wind farm Community Fund.  Thanks to those in our community who put some great bids together.  Our successes include; funding our Youth club Workers (we are the only village in the immediate area to have one, supporting the repair of the metal bridge from the Leisure Centre Field to the PRW along Southfield Drain and FoBS application for a Children & Young Peoples’ art project.  Every year people make the effort to put in bids to enhance our community assets and every year their effort has paid off, thank you!


This month I’d like to give a mention to hedges and hedgehogs.  August is approaching and from the birds perspective it’s safe to cut your hedge (if you haven’t already).  The Parish Council has been inundated with request for action on cutting back hedges as some are sticking out so far it is impossible to operate a pram/buggie or mobility scooter safely on the pavement.  There are some  where even a single pedestrian ends up on the road to avoid them, not to mention reduced visibility for motorists.  Please be considerate to your community by keeping your hedge in check.  If you have a problem getting your hedge cut please get in touch we may be able to assist you.


As for hedgehogs, did you know they are an endangered species in the UK?  Did you also know that they could walk about 3 miles per night foraging for food?  Hedgehogs R Us a local charity contacted our PC to raise awareness of their highway project.  All it requires is to leave a 5-inch (12.7 cm) gap in your fence to enable our spikey friends to access your garden and help themselves to your slugs, snails, beetles and earthworms.


Finally and very importantly, a request has been made to site a waste bin in Breighton to assist dog walkers to deposit their dogs’ deposits.  Steve Young is on the case and hopefully it will be with you very soon.


Thank you for your kind attention.  If there is anything arising from my Chair’s piece today please get in touch.


Best wishes.

Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council   

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.  .