
January Chair Letter: A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers and Local Heroes!

A Happy Christmas and New Year to all Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

At this time of the year it is tradition for the Parish Council Chair to reflect a little on the year that’s passed, celebrate the many qualities of our community and say thank you for the hard work and effort of people that make this a brilliant place to live.

I’ll begin by celebrating the fundraisers within the village, it has been a very good year for our Parish.

Whether it was applying for grants for the new patio, patio furniture and new grasscutter at the Leisure Centre, being children and parents involved in the Lifestyle Project raising money for a new playground and helping repair the old one. Friends of Bubwith School for running enjoyable events like the Beer Festival and Christmas Fayre to raise money for the school and art projects and producing brilliant Art Murals at the School and Playing Field. The hardworking team at All Saints Church for the Strawberries and Cream summer event, collaboration on the MacMillan coffee morning, their regular Wednesday morning Church Café and the most recent Christmas Fayre which I believe raised over £633 (nearly double last year’s). Not forgetting the Trustees of the Leisure and Sports Centre Charity who are constantly working to raise funds
for the Centre to keep it running and provide social and sporting opportunities for our community including the Gin Festival, Family Fun Fridays and regulars like the Bingo and Quiz Nights.

Bubwith leisure centre mural

I’d like to thank our volunteers who keep the Tuesday Club running, Manage and run our Speed Awareness Campaign, support the running of the Youth Club (just about the only one in the area), run the Monday Morning Bubwith Bunnies for toddlers and their parent/guardians, the newly formed running group and organisers of the Santa Fun Run, the secret army of people who assist and support individuals in the parish, the Christmas Magic volunteers who help Santa respond to letters, organise Christmas Carols at the Church, Richard and Shirley Moore for organising the annual Carols around the Christmas Tree and mulled wine and mince pies (the 17th year), and let me not forget the Bell Ringers (Campanologists) who have brought new joy to Friday evenings throughout the year.

I’d also like to thank our regular sponsors, The Real Aeroplane Club and The Real Aeroplane Company Limited have again sponsored our village Christmas Tree.

My sincere thanks to staff at Mounfield Butchers, The Jug and Bottle, Morrisons, The Oaks, The White Swan, Cinnamon and all small local businesses and services in our Parish who are working extremely hard at this time of year to ensure we and our pets all look beautiful, our homes are presentable and we have all the provisions we need to enjoy this festive period.

Before I go, please remember: All Saints Carol Service – 7pm Friday 20th December, followed by refreshments.

Carols around the Village Christmas Tree will be at 6pm on Sunday 22nd December followed by refreshments at Chain Bar House

BLSC December Quiz Night is on Christmas Eve at the Leisure Centre, it’s always a fun evening when all are welcome, I do hope to see you there.

Bubwith Panto is planned for the 8th February 2025 at the Leisure Centre. Tickets are on sale at the Jug & Bottle at £4 each. Two performances, the matinee 2pm and evening 7pm. The bar will be open and of course Ice cream will be on sale in the intervals.

Bubwith Panto Cinderella

Volunteers’ Event will be held from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday the 12th January 2025 at the Leisure Centre.

Finally; my grateful thanks to our Parish Councillors and Clerk for all the hard work they have done this year. It has been a pleasure to work with you.

I wish you all an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

PS. I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.

Email: Mob : 07748965779




April Chair Letter: Family Fridays, Plant lovers wanted, Toddler Group & more

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


Happy Easter from all of the Parish Council. We hope the weather is good and most importantly dry for the upcoming holiday weekend, whatever you are doing. 

March brought good news for our Leisure Centre as our grant application for some of the national ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ has been successful and will soon be commencing work on a new patio on the field side of the centre. Our next grant goal will be for patio furniture and then we’ll be set for Family Friday sessions over the summer months. 

As part of our application, we undertook to improve the look of the patio with some plant design as a volunteer project. If any keen horticulturalists would like to be involved or anyone has any plants they would like to donate please get in touch your contributions and green fingers would be very much appreciated.

I have previously written about the Bubwith Little People’s Project Group who have been focusing on  getting a new playground for the village. The group now has a design and at our recent Parish Council  meeting we agreed that the PC would project manage the next part to get planning consent. Steve Young and I are working together on this proposal that will include the removal of the old playground, additional car parking in its place and a number of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging points (a request from  a member of our community). It is early days for this aspiration as we will need significant grants to bring it all to fruition. However, I wanted to raise awareness as we will need community support to gain grants and I’m sure there may be some interest and views on the potential for EV Charging within the village. Any thoughts, please drop me a line.

I had an interesting chat with Vickie Beech this week, Vickie together with Sheila Reed are volunteers who run the Monday morning toddler group at the Leisure Centre. The group operates in term time and provides a great place for very young children to learn to socialise, it’s a real bonus for the community. It is a huge success with numbers steadily growing. Congratulations to Vickie and Sheila for their ongoing commitment and success.

Just a few things for me to highlight this month: 

Gin Festival on the 6th April (tickets from Alison Craven Mob: 07738609711 email: or for cash from the Jug & Bottle. It promises to be good fun so I hope you manage to get there. As always, all profit goes to support the Leisure and Sports Centre (you may be aware it is a charity and doesn’t get any public funding but relies solely on generating funds and people’s donations). 

The Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme is now open for applications until the 17th May with decisions being made on the 12th June. I represent our PC on this panel and I am always proud of the number of successful applications from our parish, although I hasten to add I’m not allowed to  vote for these. There is approx. £23K available this year and I encourage any groups to consider putting forward an application funding/spaldington-wind-farm-community-fund/ 

Previous successes include the new footbridge from the sports field to the Public Right of Way (2023),  funding for 2 Youth Workers to run our hugely successful Youth Club (2021 to 2023), Bubwith Arts  Movement (BAM) currently working on a young people mural project (2023) and many more. Finally, if you are new to the parish and want to know about local services you might like to have a copy of Your Guide for Supporting Localwhich is a definitive resource for living in Bubwith,  Breighton, Willitoft and Gunby. Please get in touch and I will make sure you get one. You may also want to get more involved in your new community by volunteering, if so please drop me a line.

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779




March Chair Letter: Welcome to Helen, BOOM, Events & Grants

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


It’s my sincere hope your wellies haven’t sprung a leak and you are enjoying February despite the incessant rain. It’s a small consolation but the evenings are getting lighter, hurrah!  There are only a few things for me to highlight this month.  


Firstly, I’d like to welcome Helen Gregory as our newly co-opted Parish Councillor.  Helen has lived in Bubwith with her husband Guy for a considerable number of years. They have raised their children here (both now adults) and are well known to many people having participated in many groups and events. If you’d like to know more about Helen her biograph will shortly be appearing on our website  


A ‘Race Night’ event was recently held at the leisure centre. It raised over £2,500 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Congratulations to the organizer Stephen Johnston and all those who worked so hard to make it such a success for our local punters. 


A few upcoming events I’d like to highlight are:  the Friends of Bubwith School (FOBS) Beer Fest on Saturday 2nd March (tickets from or cash at the Jug & Bottle)  followed by a Gin Festival  on the 6th April (tickets from Alison Craven Mob: 07738609711 email: of for cash from the Jug & Bottle.  Both events promise to be good fun so I hope you manage to get to them.


I know there are some keen historians in our community,  at least 507 of them belong to the Old Bubwith & Surrounding Villages facebook group where there is plenty of discussion and sharing of some brilliant old photographs of  Bubwith and the surrounding area.  There is also a lovely locally produced publication called, BUBWITH: an East Yorkshire Parish that was sold some years ago to raise funds for the Leisure Centre but until recently was out of print.  There is now a new supply and if you are interested in purchasing a copy you can obtain one from the Leisure Centre or via Steve Young, Parish Clerk for a mere £5.  The proceeds of all sales go back to the Leisure Centre for the benefit of local people.


We have recently submitted a bid for some of the national ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ to put a new patio area on the field side of the leisure centre, fingers crossed for a successful outcome.


The Spalding Windfarm Community Grant Scheme will be open for applications in mid March.  As a village community we have been very industrious in putting forward successful applications and I encourage any groups to consider doing so again this year.


Finally, on a serious note, Parish Councillor, Liz Hayes recently attended a meeting to discuss the proposed BOOM Solar Farm currently being consulted on. Due to the size of the proposal this will not be determined by local planning but by the Secretary of State.  Liz has been advised that if anyone wishes to comment prior to final decision they need to register their interest BEFORE 8TH MARCH 2024 with the Planning Inspectorate.


As part of registration, you will need to provide a few basic details and submit a short explanation of what you believe to be the main issues of the plan and the impacts the solar farm would have on the area.  After 8th March the process moves onto the examination stage during which only those who have registered will be invited to provide further comments and objections.  Once the examination stage is complete there will be no further opportunity for people to raise concerns or objections to the project. 

DD pointed out that the more people that register the more concerns will be raised, and that the Planning Inspectorate would look at these comments and take them into account when deciding the matter.

For those interested, I hope you find this information helpful


Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council


February Chair Letter: Happy New Year

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


What a joy to see that despite incessant rain and high energy costs (and outages) our community made it yet another glistening & glittery Christmas to remember. As always it’s the volunteers and community that ensure the magic continues, my thanks to you.  

I noted Santa deployed some new Christmas Elves this year, big thanks go to Ami, Harriet, Lydia, Beth and Vicki who kept the magic alive despite very damp Christmas postbox conditions and washed away return addresses.


In addition to our much-loved events, two new traditions began in 2023.  Our first Santa Fun Run attracted over 80 entrants in full-on festive attire who ran, ambled or danced around the Leisure Centre’s track on the 17th December raising over £500 for the New Playground fund.  The highly collectable medals were kindly sponsored by Claire Allder from the White Swan.  Thank you to Claire,  Martyn & Camilla, the Little Peoples Project Group and Social Team members for organizing, nay, ‘running’ this event!


A Volunteer’s Celebration & Thank You Event was held on the 7th Jan. Over 50 people attended but invitations were sent to many more. Sadly some were already committed (often the way with busy volunteers) and some advised they were chuffed to be asked, to enjoy doing their bit to support our community but making an appearance or worst still being thanked in public just wasn’t their thing.  You know who you all are, we respect your wishes but we would offer our sincere thanks for you being you and making this a great place to live.  


2024 promises to be a brilliant year with some great events in the offing.  We kick off with Robin Hood and Babes in the Wood performed by our recently established Bubwith Amateur Dramatic Society (BADS).  Two performances (Matinee at 2.30 and Evening at 7.30) will take place at the Leisure Centre on Saturday 10th February.  Tickets:  by donations.  


A Race Night in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance on the 17th February with Free Entry, an opportunity to sponsor a horse and a definite invitation to dress up!  


I’m also shouting out to anyone who would like to be involved in our planned Gin Festival (6th April) and Bubwith Big Bash being planned for the summer, call or email (Mob: 07748965779 . ).



Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council


December Chair Letter: Festive season events!

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft


As we hurtle towards the festive season there are a number of events to note for your diary, particularly if you have children or grandchildren. 

The Friends of Bubwith School Christmas Fayre will take place on Sunday 26th November and it looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun with great stalls and a great raffle.  A children’s quiz night is planned to take place at the Leisure Centre on Friday the 8th December, this is a recent venture to add to the social events for children in the village, for details see the Leisure Centre website  


A Christmas Santa Run for Children and Adults has been organised to take place at the leisure centre track on Sunday the 17th December at 1pm. All profits will go towards the new playground. The bar will be open and there will be mulled wine and other refreshments on sale. I’m really looking forward to seeing how creative people are with their Christmas themed running outfits.

Carols around the Christmas tree will take place on the green on the evening of the  17th of December with a welcome invitation from Richard and Shirley Moore to all to have mince pies and mulled wine at Chain Bar House after the carols. 

Finally, there will be a quiz night on Christmas Eve at the leisure centre when all are welcome. 

Our community is blessed with many volunteers who give up their time to support others, they organise village events, run groups and fundraise to gain improvements and new assets and facilities for our village. The Bubwith Leisure and Sports Centre  Committee has agreed to run an event on the afternoon of Sunday, 7th January to celebrate and thank the many volunteers within our community. The tricky bit of arranging such an event is identifying who our volunteers are and I hope to gain your help with this. Volunteers don’t always blow their own trumpet so if you know of anyone you believe we should invite or if you’d like to come along please do drop me a line on my email below. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thank you for your kind attention.  

Best wishes. 

Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council 

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.


January Chair Letter : Reflections & Decluttering

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton


For many of us January is the month for reflection.  A quick check back over all of the events of the previous year, the resolutions we could, should or would have achieved and a renewed resolve for the coming year.


As PC Chair, January is also the time to say thank you to those individuals who give of themselves to make our parish an enjoyable place to live.  

Christmas is a high point and thanks go to FOBs for the Christmas Fayre, the Elves and Parish Councillors for the wonderful display on the green ( I note this was highlighted in the media), Mother Christmas for keeping the magic alive for children,  All Saints Church and Bubwith Community Primary for all of the Nativity activities and services and Richard and Shirley for once again playing hosts for mince pies and mulled wine following Carols around the Christmas Tree. 


Thanks also go to our local businesses that work extremely hard over the festive period to supply us with food and services to ensure an enjoyable time.


Sadly, I missed most of it, I’ve just returned from a long trip to the Australia and New Zealand, I won’t bore you with the details of catching up with 47 members of my husband’s family or my ham salad Christmas dinner. However, seeing many community’s amenities, particularly in NZ has renewed my commitment and I am raring to go with the theme of fundraising and engagement that I mentioned in the November Bugle. This is my major New Year resolution for our Parish and community.


To ‘kick off’, I’d like to remind you of the goal of regular Table Top sales at the Leisure Centre with the first planned for Sunday 26th February.  Akin to a Car Boot Sale but indoors, we hope to generate some interest from people to sell or buy or both and of course there will be food and drinks.  Doors open at 8am for stalls to set up, bargain hunters admitted at 10am and close at 3pm. The price of a table will be £5 and entrance 50p with all proceeds to BLSC projects.  


I feel sure there will be a number of people with a resolution to ‘declutter’ and find new homes for unwanted treasures and gifts.  Now is your chance to try your hand at sales or to bag a bargain!  If you are interested in booking a table or volunteering to run the event please drop me an email or telephone 07748965779.  I will be delighted to hear from you and book you a stall.


May I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy and Prosperous 2023 from the Parish Council.


Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.  .


November Chair Letter : Benches, BOOM Power, & Cycle Track

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton

I do hope this finds you well and more importantly dry!!!!


It’s just as well our beautiful new benches (see below) that have finally been sited in Bubwith and Breighton are recycled plastic to withstand this weather.  I hope you are as delighted as I am to see them and more importantly use them on your walks.  My grateful thanks to Steve Young and Malcolm Henson who have worked tirelessly to apply for funds, source the benches, lay the concrete plinths and finally site them.  Thanks too to those individuals who have given their blessings to siting them near their homes. Apparently the suggestion for benches began almost 20 years ago (thank you Bunty) and got it’s final push over the finishing line earlier this year (thank you Paula and fellow PCs), so all that remains to say is, “take a pew”.


I attended a very interesting Bubwith Leisure and Sport Centre (BLSC) meeting this month.  It was great to see some of our new volunteers and to get their contributions into supporting this brilliant asset.  The Bubwith Mile progresses although rain has caused some delays to laying the final surface.  The suggestions for the playground were also discussed and how we can take this forward together with the planned Cycle Track.

The elephant in the room was of course money!  In order to achieve these two ambitious projects and just as importantly continue to address some of the urgent maintenance  (leaks in the roof to name just one) it is estimated we probably need to raise approx. £450K and in order to fundraise via grant applications and local means we need support and engagement from our community.


It would seem the theme for 2023 has to be fundraising and engagement.  To ‘kick off’ I’m working with 2 of our new volunteers (Kay and Carol) to establish regular Table Top sales at the Leisure Centre with the first planned for Sunday 26th February.  Akin to a Car Boot Sale but indoors, we hope to generate some interest from people to sell or buy or both and of course there will be food and drinks.  The price of a table will be £5 and entrance 50p with all proceeds to BLSC projects.  If you are interested in booking a table or volunteering to run the event please drop me an email .


Money is probably preying on many people’s minds at the moment and the Parish Council is no different.  Over the course of the past few years we have worked towards improving facilities and services for local people and in particular for our young folk with our very successful youth club ensuring they have outlets for their energy beyond simply getting into mischief! We have also recently agreed to support the cost of a part time role for the leisure centre to deal with bookings, statutory/legal requirements and facilitating opening up for groups and events (currently reliant on a volunteer) as we would like to get more use from this valuable asset. 

The discussion of the level precept is always an energized agenda item and this year is no different.  After much heartfelt debate we have agreed to set 2023/24s precept at an increase of 17%.  I know this sounds significant but it equates to £5.36 pa or 10p per week for band D council tax payers and by comparison with other local parishes we bench mark as low to average.  Our rationale is to sustain the facilities and services we have in our community and ensure we maintain our parish as a good place to live.


Quick update – informal consultation on proposed BOOM Energy solar farm.  I attended a meeting of Parish and Town Council Chairs this week to discuss and agree the key questions we need to get answered by BOOM in preparation for a meeting with BOOM planned for early December. Our representative at that meeting will be Councillor Liz Hayes.  We will continue to update on this as we progress to formal consultation in Spring 2023


Finally, good luck to FOBs for their upcoming Christmas Fayre on Sunday 27th Nov, 2pm at the Leisure Centre.  Enormous effort has gone into the planning and it promises to be great fun, so please don’t miss it!


Best wishes



Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.  .


October Chair Letter : Christmas is coming

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton


The year is passing quickly; here we are nearing the end of October with Christmas just around the corner.  The village Christmas tree is on order and the 3rd December has been set as the date for it to be erected together with other decorations on the green.  Carols around the Christmas tree on Sunday 22nd Dec is also a date for your diary.

October has been a very busy month with many activities related to the Bubwith Sport and Leisure Centre including progress on groundwork for the running track.  Bubwith Playground project group has been established and a Visioning Consultation coffee morning was held on Sunday 9th October.   Demand for a new playground has been growing for some time now and some very helpful ideas and views came forward about what people want.  We are keen to get as many views as possible so if you are interested in getting involved or giving your views on the plans so far please contact me or mob: 07748965779.  I’d be happy to share our initial thought and capture any comments you would like to make.


This month the Parish Council has also been involved in the recent Non-statutory Consultation by BOOM Energy related to a proposed Solar Farm spanning some 3000 acres of land in the local area with the intention of generating 400 megawatts of electricity.  Most people have received a consultation booklet about the proposal and some have attended public consultation events in the area.  There are clearly many unanswered questions about the proposals that are at a very early phase.  The Parish Council will respond to this non-statutory consultation and urge any interested individuals to do likewise to inform and influence the final plans.


The process for formal consultation prior to the Secretary of State decision will take place over a number of months in early 2023.  Parish Council Chairs in those parishes affected are working together to ensure there will be a process for wide consultation and public response in that formal consultation phase.  Further information of how to engage will be made available in the coming months.


Finally, congratulations to the Bubwith Sport and Leisure Centre and in particular Steve Johnston for organizing the recent Fashion Show fundraiser at the centre.  The event was very well attended and was deemed to be a very successful and enjoyable social event that people would like to see repeated.  Thank you to all involved in organizing the event and the wonderful models who sashayed down the catwalk modeling the clothes.  


Best wishes



Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council

I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues.  .