bubwith parish chair

November Chair Letter: Silver birches, Youth Club, Church Cafe & more!

Dear Parishioners of Bubwith, Breighton and Willitoft

I do hope you are all well and enjoying this changeable weather. For the avid gardeners amongst us there is plenty to do before the darker evenings and colder weather. For our younger parishioners, hang on in there, half term is fast approaching and you will be able to replenish your batteries soon,  and for those amongst us who suffer with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder/”winter depression”) our  thoughts and sympathies are with you as we enter the darker months. 

Two specific things are a cause for concern in the Parish this month, most notably silver birch trees  encroaching on homes in Honeypot (there is ongoing discussion with ERYC), and the new very obtrusive Quickline box that has been placed on Church Close green. One can’t have failed to notice the  work being done by Quickline, it is everywhere in the area, and we are all looking forward to the potential for cheaper faster broadband supply but we would all like this to be delivered with more care ful consideration of the siting and aesthetics of these necessary pieces of kit. In both instances Steve Young as our Parish Clerk is on the case! 

One of our Youth Workers is moving on to pastures new and we are looking to recruit a replacement,  if interested please email Steve Young for details At this depressing time of the year, I think it sometimes helps to look forward to the joyful events that  get us through. Thanks to the hard work of many of our community members there is plenty in the  coming months. 

After the very successful MacMillan Coffee morning collaboration (it raised £845 thanks to the gener ous donations of local people) Bubwith Leisure and Sport Centre are entering into another collaboration with Bubwith All Saints Church. Joan Askew and her team have agreed to run the Wednesday morning Church Café at the Centre over the winter months. The café will run from the second week in January until March, offering a warm and friendly atmosphere for your weekly catch-up with  friends. 

In anticipation of the festive season there are a number of events to watch out for: Friends of Bubwith School (FOBS) highly anticipated Halloween Scavenger Hunt from the 28th to 31st October maps on sale at Morrisons 

FOBs Christmas Fayre – Sunday 17th November at the Leisure Centre (currently inviting stall holders)

Bingo Night – Friday 29th November at the Leisure Centre 

Bubwith All Saints Church Christmas Fayre – Saturday 30th November (currently inviting stall holders)

Tickets on sale from the 1st November for the Silent Disco (07/03/25) at the Jug and Bottle for a bargain early bird price of £12, they will be going up to £15 so get in early! 

Santa’s Fun Run will be back for it’s second year on Sunday 15th December, there is still time to embark on the Couch to 5K training and join Camilla Sergeant’s running group on Saturday mornings.

Ice Cream is coming to Bubwith Leisure Centre in the form of a Burgess Ice cream fridge and products.  Burgess ice creams are a long-standing local company based at Market Weighton and having been  part of the sampling team I can heartily recommend them. They will be a great addition to the offer  from the centre.  

Finally – thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Leisure Centre Committee the field and grounds have never looked better. It is a joy to do a few circuits of the track or pop by and watch North Duffield Dragons play football. Thank you to the committee, our dedicated local grounds people and volunteers and the Spaldington Windfarm Fund, you’ve done a grand job! 

Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council  

Email: Mob : 07748965779
