June Chair Letter : Plant Sale, Church Street & the Bridge
Dear Parishioners of Bubwith & Breighton
I hope this finds you well and enjoying this variable weather. Just a few things to flag this month. Firstly, I hope you will remember and come along to our second Table Top and Plant sale to be held at the Leisure Centre between 9am and 12 midday on Sunday 4th June. Table bookings are
going well (but there are still some available) with a blend of plants and other items for sale. We will be serving bacon and sausage sandwiches, coffees and teas and there will be a bakery table. Entry is free and it promises to be fun!
If you are interested in having a table, selling plants or even volunteering please contact me: sandra or 07748965779.
At last, the repair of Church Street is scheduled and a planned closure from the Church to Main Street will take place from 30th May to 2nd June to carry out repairs. Apologies for the inconvenience but you’d probably agree it will be worth it.
The pain and inconvenience of Bubwith Bridge is felt by all including Parish Councillors. A full update on the situation and joint work between County Councillors, Parish Councillors and Officers of East Riding of Yorkshire County Council is detailed elsewhere in the Bugle.
East Riding of Yorkshire CC Community Task Force walkabout will take place on the 13th June. I will accompany officers in Bubwith and John Watkinson will do likewise in Breighton. If there is anything you wish to have brought to their attention please contact Steve Young, Parish Clerk who is collating issues to be raised. The Bubwith Little People Projects Group has now received 3 potential designs for the new playground and will shortly be meeting to consider the options. We will also be engaging more widely with people to ensure we reflect the community’s view of what we want prior to seeking grants.
Anyone who wishes to get involved more actively please get in touch.
You will no doubt have received a copy of the East Yorkshire Solar Farm Statutory Public Consultation Bro chure in the post. It is important that people are aware and air their views; at one of the Consultation Events (Saturday 10th June at Bubwith Leisure Centre from 2.00 – 8.00pm), as an individual using the feedback form included in the brochure or via the Parish Council (this will be an agenda item at our meeting 7pm Thursday 8th June at Bubwith Leisure Centre).
Finally, my congratulations go to all organisers of the Coronation events. Emma and Claire with their respective teams from Mounfield Butchers and the White Swan put on a great party many thanks to you all. Best wishes. Sandra Hills, Chair of Bubwith Parish Council
I’m always glad to hear of concerns and issues. .