Community Led Housing is designed and managed by local people, to meet the affordable housing needs of our community and is Not for Profit.  The scheme ensures that residents are at the heart of the process when key decisions are made in the development of affordable homes and developments are small in scale and number of homes.

This short survey is to establish people’s views on a new Community Led Housing scheme in the area.  All replies will be confidential.

    1. If a need were identified, would you support a small development of affordable housing for local people in this survey area (Bubwith, Breighton, Willitoft)?


    [group support-reasons]
    Please provide the reasons for this if you wish to do so, e.g. if you anticipate that you or a family member will have a housing need within the next few years:


    2. Apart from you or anyone currently in your household, do you know anyone with a 'local connection' who is not currently residing in the survey area but would like to take part in the survey?


    [group others-details]
    Please provide their details.


    If you are aware of any suitable sites, available land or property within the survey area that could be used for a local affordable community housing scheme, please list them here:

    If you wish to make any additional comments, please add them here:

    Community led housing is all about finding like-minded volunteers who are keen to be able to provide the right housing in their village for: older people wishing to downsize, young families, or young people leaving home. The success of this scheme will rely heavily upon people’s willingness to be involved in the project. With this in mind, do you have any experience which could prove helpful i.e. financial, architect, legal, building etc? Would you be willing to become involved?


    [group involvement-details]
    That's great. Please provide details of how you would like to support the scheme:


    There will be opportunities to learn more about the scheme at various events which will take place in the Leisure and Community Centres. Dates will be advertised in the newsletter and everyone is most welcome to come along for a chat and to find out if this is something you are willing to become involved with.

    Please add your contact details below if you wish to do so:

    Your name:




    Consultation of the housing needs of the community is a vital early step to determine if the scheme is to progress further. If the results of the survey indicate positive support for the scheme, then the many steps required to instigate the process may begin.

    Further information about the scheme is available via the following link: http://www.hwrcc.org.uk/projects-services/community-development/

    Thank you for your help with this survey.

    Bubwith Parish Council
    March 2019

    If you would prefer to fill in an offline version of this questionnaire, you can download a PDF version HERE. Please then print out this questionnaire, fill in relevant fields and return to one of the following addresses:

    McColls Shop,

    Steve Young, Parish Clerk,
    60 Main St, Bubwith.

    Denise Shingler
    Frog Hall Farm, Breighton