Bubwith Bridge is Open!

BUBWITH BRIDGE OPEN 9AM TODAY – from East Riding of Yorkshire Council
We are delighted to announce that the Bubwith bridge repair scheme is completed and the bridge will be open once again from 9am today (Tuesday 10 October).
The scheme has been completed almost two weeks ahead of schedule.
Councilor Paul West, the council’s portfolio holder for environment and transport, said:
“We are absolutely delighted to be able to reopen this bridge almost two weeks early.
“I’m sure the residents of Bubwith and the surrounding area are extremely pleased the work is finished and the bridge can finally reopen to traffic.
“We had no option but to close the bridge to carry out these repairs and I want to thank the local residents and local drivers for being very patient with us while the work was carried out.
“We know this has been a difficult time for them, but they have been very supportive and understood this was about making the bridge safe again for years to come.
“I want to commend our civil engineering team and our contractors Esh Construction for being so accommodating and carrying out an impressive repair scheme in a shorter time frame.”
The bridge was officially opened by a delegation including the civil engineering teams from Esh Construction, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and both local and parish councillors.

Your Guide For Supporting Local

Residents will be receiving the booklet this week (if you haven’t already). There will also be copies in some of our local storefronts.
This booklet has been kindly commissioned by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) as a means of supporting the residents and businesses of Bubwith, Breighton, Willitofy, Gunby Parish
through some very challenging times.
Our community is rich with enterprising people who have built up businesses, some over five generations and some just getting started, but all designed to make this a great place to live, so great in fact, that you will find you never ever want or need to leave!
The purpose of the guide is to pass on valuable information about the many businesses and services that operate in our community and can support your everyday and special day needs. It is the hope and the ambition of the Parish Council that by encouraging you to buy locally and use local services we will all be doing our bit to reduce our carbon footprint and to protect and sustain the wonderful services we have, ensuring they are available for all of us for the long-term future.
Thanks to Paula from The Social Renegade for its design and to Suzie York Photography for the cover photo. You can find both of their business info inside. There will be an online copy available on our website today.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Your guide for supporting local (755 KB)

Download your own digital copy of this fantastic new resource. 

September Chair Letter : A new fit for today bridge is possible

Bubwith Parish Council wants a new – fit for today – bridge with two-way traffic and no traffic lights, this is in response to all of the comments at the public meeting. 

The old-listed bridge can then be used by cyclists and pedestrians so it will not be wasted. 

This is a dream that is attainable but will take some years, the Parish Council has been offered support from a local bridge engineer currently working on 9 motorway bridges on the M6. 

Our friendly engineer has set out an agenda to achieve a design and scheme that will produce a new bridge, we are assured that monies do become available at short notice at times and if we have a scheme “on the shelf” then we could take advantage of this and put forward our ready-made project for consideration. The first job to be done in the process is to carry out a public consultation which would not just be Bubwith but would include all the surrounding villages who are dependent on the bridge. Armed with the results of this consultation and accompanying a proposal prepared by our friendly engineer we would then approach  East Riding Council to seek funding and support to produce a design for a fit-for-purpose modern bridge. 

Parish Councillors feel that this is an opportunity to plan for the future and have a bridge that is not at the mercy of people speeding to catch the green light and will be a safe and modern river crossing. 

So the first job is to carry out a public consultation, this will require planning and communication skills plus the will to move our community forward into the 21st century!!  

You do not have to live in Bubwith to support this initiative so please get involved to join the group preparing information to move this scheme forward,  contact us below ASAP and by the end of September


To express an interest, an initial meeting with the engineer and our Ward Councillors will be held to plan the way forward.